Thks be to God tt i've recieved the confidence tt i've once lost it.
Through HIS mighty words and works, I've been renewed once again.
For HE has the way! Yepps yepps i'm overjoyed hahaha. Hyper now:)...
I wanna draw closer to U! Lead me, guide me, change me, mould me and hold me...
I wanna draw closer to U! Lead me, guide me, change me, mould me and hold me...
I've retired from my position:) hehehe ASSISTANCE CLASS REP is no longer me.
Kinda sad, gonna miss the times helpin Ma'am out.
Serving happily in this position(as I'm treatin it as a serving GOD not man).
The times where I "lead" was fun, cos they wee all coorperative:) THKS chefSSS' Apprentice...(:
WE the future CHEFSSSS not gonna let Ma'am down...(:
I'm still glad I once served:) THK LORD!
Kinda sad, gonna miss the times helpin Ma'am out.
Serving happily in this position(as I'm treatin it as a serving GOD not man).
The times where I "lead" was fun, cos they wee all coorperative:) THKS chefSSS' Apprentice...(:
WE the future CHEFSSSS not gonna let Ma'am down...(:
I'm still glad I once served:) THK LORD!

Today super sick, even the kitchen is sick cos no gas how to cook...
But we did mayonaise yumyum:)
I'm sick flu, cough, a little sore throat...
Dunno is Jeremy('remy' the rat) pass to me or I pass to himXp,
cos he also havin the same prob...hahaha
Then in lecture class Jeremy sat behind me,
both havin the same virus sigh passing here and there,
sneezing, coughing -.-
Super tired....
Rewriting notes all thks to JEREMY tt rat...
Say my handwritin cannot see...
Actually its the fact la but I'm changin ok!humph!NONSENCE! haha....
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